Individual Sessions - Somatic Experiencing and Feldenkrais

tailored to your needs to regulate your nervous system, reduce back pain, improve sleep and balance.

Examples of individual sessions

Functional Integrations™

Individual Sessions are as unique as you are. People attending an individual sessions are walking on different paths. For this …

Examples of individual sessions

Children Functional Integrations

The Feldenkrais Method is a science-based approach that uses movement to help children with special needs.
In working with children …

Examples of individual sessions

Somatic Experiencing™

Unlock the path to healing with Somatic Experiencing (SE), a transformative journey that reconnects your mind and body.
Imagine a …


I have found my running practice to be actually transformed after just a couple of sessions. I used to suffer with numb feet / pins and needles in my feet after 15 mins of running and I can now run for 90 minutes with no numbness. I haven't changed anything else and so I'm happily putting this improvement down to the Feldenkrais sessions.

Sandy Steele
