Feldenkrais Individual Lessons Oxford

Special Needs Children

Alessandro Bombardi
Alessandro Bombardi


"There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it is going to be a butterfly." - R.Buckminster-Fuller

Babies are busy learning already in the womb and their learning explodes when they arrive into the world, with the exposure to the external stimuli; immediately they begin to suck and, day after day, they integrate more and more movement possibilities learning to recognize their body and the external world.

This process of seemingly aimless explorations of movements combined with reflex action is what allows the newborn to finally master walking, one of the many uniquely human skills, together with all the other human activities.

Without the foundation provided by the almost casual discovery of the motor skills necessary for grasping, rolling, extending, bending, arching, kneeling standing, falling, etc. the more refined motor actions remain elusive. 

Neurological issues can interfere with this process, via an anomalous distribution of muscular tonus, or due to the presence of uncontrolled unvoluntary movements,  what prevents establishing clear motor patterns for each action. Uncontrolled movements can have the same effect of a sea wave erasing the footprints left on the sand. 

The approach of the Feldenkrais practitioners is guided by the acceptance and respect of the infant as you can see in this short video.


Through touch the parctitioner helps the infant to establish a better self image. Building on what is currently possible we  help the baby neural system to extract order from chaos.

The Feldenkrais Method approach and some other approaches based on the Feldenkrais Method  are currently receiving a lot of praise and attention from eminent neurologists.

An insight of the way that Feldenkrais can help infant development is given by P. Doron Doroftey, a cerebral palsy victim.

Another inspiring account of the journey of a parent facing the difficult journey of raising a child with a neurological disability is given here.

If you want to discuss about your child, get in touch!
