Feldenkrais Individual Lessons Oxford

How can you heal from back pain?

Alessandro Bombardi
Alessandro Bombardi

When dealing with back pain that seems to have no clear cause, it can be frustrating and anxiety-inducing, especially when conventional medical treatments don't bring relief. This pain can be persistent and debilitating, affecting your daily life and making you feel hopeless.

The Feldenkrais Method and Somatic Experiencing offer a respectful and holistic way to address this pain, recognizing the important connection between your body and brain.

The Feldenkrais Method focuses on gentle, mindful movements to help you understand how you move and where you might be holding tension. Here’s how it can help:

  • 1. **Better Body Awareness**: - By learning to pay attention to your movements, you can discover and change habits that might be causing pain.
  • 2. **Easier Movement**: - This method teaches you to move more smoothly and efficiently, which reduces strain on your back.
  • 3. **Stress Relief**: - The gentle movements can help calm your mind and reduce the stress that often makes pain worse.

Somatic Experiencing addresses the way stress and trauma can be stored in the body, contributing to chronic pain. Here’s how it can benefit you:

  • 1. **Releasing Tension**: - This approach helps you release deep tension and trauma that might be causing your pain.
  • 2. **Calming Your Nervous System**: - It helps regulate your nervous system, which can be overactive due to chronic pain, helping to reduce your overall pain levels.
  • 3. **Connecting Body and Mind**: - By focusing on how your body feels and the emotions tied to that pain, you can understand and manage your pain better.

Using both methods together can provide comprehensive relief:

  • - **Whole-Person Healing**: These methods address both the physical and emotional aspects of your pain.
  • - **Empowerment**: They give you tools to manage your pain on your own.
  • - **Lasting Relief**: By addressing the root causes of your pain, you can reduce the need for medication and other treatments.

The Feldenkrais Method and Somatic Experiencing respect the connection between your body and brain, offering a holistic approach to managing and alleviating your back pain.
